Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I love looking in the grocery stores here. It's so
fun to see the different varieties or flavors of
global products like mango Corn Flakes or clove
flavored gum. To an Indian these are normal, to
me these are highly unusual. Admittedly, the
pineapple-ginger squash left me somewhat unimpressed,
but the new flavors are pretty good.

Last week I walked to the local store and filled a basket
with essentials. I opened up my wallet to pay and
my cheeks burned crimson as I told the cashier that
I didn't bring enough money and had to remove a few
things from the bill. He told me not to worry but
pay what I could now and the rest the next day. I'm
not really sure, but I bet that I wouldn't find this
sort of trust in other major cities of the world.

Necessity really is the mother of invention. Due to the
lack of pre-made food here I've been forced to cook real
meals from scratch though all my recipes are neatly boxed
up in storage in Houston. Additionally, ovens are uncommon
here as most people cook on a stove top or in a microwave.
So now I look online to find suitable recipes that can
be cooked on a burner. I never would have expanded my
culinary horizons this way were it not for our current


Greg McElhatton said...

Are there crockpots/slow cookers available there? It might give you a little more versatility in terms of cooking -- and of course, there's a lot to be said for the option of dumping things into the pot, turning it on, and coming back eight hours later and it's done.

Tuffy said...

That's a good idea! A few people around here have also roasted small chickens in a toaster oven.