Thursday, May 15, 2008


My children have a most remarkable nanny. I
trust her with my most precious possessions
without hesitation. Over the months I have
found out more about Priscilla and through
it all I wonder at her marvelous good nature
and bright spirits. A daughter of 14, she
left home at the age of 12 to work for an
expat. She cleaned, washed, and looked after
the lady's children as needed. Her sister,
too, was hired by the lady so both girls
started full time jobs as live-in help.
Over the years the lady taught them English,
taught them how to cook, and taught them
how to invest and save their money. She opened
a bank account for each and deposited part of
their earnings in to their accounts.
Eventually the lady left and no longer needed
their help, so the sisters left to find other
jobs. Now, over 20 years later, Priscilla
has a son who graduated from university in
England and works full time as a software
engiineer in Edinburgh. She often reflects on
her life and how lucky she was to have found a
"Ma'am" who took such good care of her.

How interesting to reflect on our different
perspectives - I feel a little sad that she lost
her childhood so soon and probably had to deal
with a lot of things at a young age. But she
feels joyous and grateful to have learned
so much from a wonderful lady.

Yet again I am spending a considerable amount
of time reflecting on our different ways.

I am losing Priscilla soon - she will be moving to
Scotland to join her son and start a new
life in a different culture. I'll miss her,
my children will miss her, and my life will
never be the same for having known her.


earthmama said...

thank you so much for letting us all learn from your experiences...

Unknown said...

Yea for Priscilla! It is also a testament to her character that she used the advantages she was given wisely. Wish I could say the same for myself.

Sucks for you, though. Guess it's just time for someone else to be blessed by your beautiful children. I know I miss seeing them!