Sunday, July 6, 2008

Education Differences

Due to the outrageous spiraling of oil prices, the
company I work for is booming and we are hiring.
Over the last few years our office in Mumbai has
increased in staff almost 100 times. So working with
such young people, straight out of college, I have
observed an interesting thing about the education
system here; the students do not question their teachers.

That may seem of minor interest, but the end result is
that most of the people coming in to our office assume
on blind faith that what they are given is correct,
and they don't even consider questioning it. They
are hesitant to disagree with other more experienced
people, and when they do ask about something that
doesn't make sense to them they ask quietly, under
their breath, as though they are to blame for not

This seems subtle, but it actually has a big impact
on how I interact with people in the office. When I
came here I had to change to accommodate this difference.
The staff are still too young for me to determine if
they will be the future leaders of the company. Surely
they are bright enough, professional, and hard working,
but in their work they must also learn to question
everything - that is the way to learn, adapt, and innovate.

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