Thursday, July 10, 2008


It's strange how quickly one adapts to a foreign culture
and suddenly ceases to be intrigued by differences. I
have not made any interesting blog entries for quite a
while because I have adjusted to the differences and
find them no more noteworthy than the weather. Perhaps
after my vacation my recognition and appreciation of such
differences will bloom again.

Yesterday on the way home we passed a rickshaw. A rickshaw
is a small 3-wheeled vehicle powered by a motorcycle
engine. The driver sits in front center, and generally
2 adults sit comfortably in the back. We have managed
to fit in 2 adults, 2 children, and a push-chair.
Yesterday we passed a rickshaw containing no less than
8 school children. There may possibly have been more,
but I had difficulties decomposing all those arms, legs,
pony tails, and feet into their individuals. All the
children had great big silly grins on their faces
completely oblivious to the dangers of such chaos.

Was I ever that silly?



Missy said...

They're called tuk-tuks (pron: tuck-tuck) in Thailand. Those little devils whiz in an out of traffic so quickly, you feel as if you should be wearing full body padding just in case. When we were over there, one of our tuk-tuks broke down in the middle of traffic; our driver, two nice police men, Georgie, and I all had to push it to the safety of an abandoned alley way where Georgie and I stood guard over the sickly tuk-tuk until our driver returned with another :-)

Unknown said...

Tuffy - I can attest to the fact that you were at least that silly and I was probably worse. It has been a long time - I will have to tell you the story about how I came upon your blog. The cosmos made me do it. :-) Would love to catch up with you. Drop me a note when you have time at