Thursday, January 29, 2009


I feel somewhat of the fool for a rather simple example of how the West has controlled me. I forgot there were growing seasons. I didn't really forget, rather I forgot that some fruit is unavailable at certain times of the year. In the US any one would think that all fruits grow year round, though some items may prove more costly at certain times of the year. In Mumbai, fruits are available only during their growing season. For example grapes are available for about 2 months starting in January, mangos are available for about a month in late spring, guavas make an appearance around the early spring, and strawberries are only available for about a month. Apples, bananas, and pineapple seem to ripen throughout the year, thank goodness, so we always have a supply of those. So the city seems to wait in anticipation of the different fruit seasons. Certainly mango season is cause enough for hooplahs, dancing, and constant yellow halos around children's mouths. Mango is added to all food items; sauces, drinks, ice cream, you name it and someone dices up a mango into it and sells it as a variety for the 1 month they have to exploit the yellow fruit.

Excuse me now, I'm off to dig up my recipie for chicken a la grape with au fraise potatoes for tonight's meal.

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