Thursday, June 12, 2008


Earlier this week I just couldn't stand to
see my 5-year old cooped up any longer. So
I took her outside to the little courtyard
and let her run around in the rain. I held
an umbrella and stood while this hurricane
of exuberance raced from wall to wall in the
pouring rain. She slid, she slipped, she
crashed in to things, she was absolutely
soaking wet and having the best time in the
world. Afterwards we returned to our apartment
where she had a long shower, bundled up in
a warm towel, and ate a pile of food.

Therein lies the joy of childhood for both
child and parent.

1 comment:

Lobo said...

Do you remember sliding down that mud hill into the puddle that used to collect in our driveway in trinidad? Or slip and slide on the back porch?